Student Life
Chesterton Academy is a member of Wisconsin Interrscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA).
WIAA Boys Cross Country, Div. 3
WIAA Girls Cross Country, Div. 3
WIAA Boys Soccer, Div. 4
WIAA Girls Volleyball, Div. 5
WIAA Girls Tennis, Div. 2
WIAA Boys Basketball, Div. 5
WIAA Girls Basketball, Div. 5
WIAA Boys Wrestling, Div. 2
WIAA Boys Baseball, Div. 2
WIAA Boys Track & Field, Div. 3
WIAA Girls Track & Field, Div. 3
WIAA Boys Golf, Div. 2
WIAA Girls Soccer, Div. 4

Clubs & Activities
Chess Club
Classics Club
Dance Committee Club
Fencing Club
Forensics Club
German Club
Newspaper Club
Pro-Life Club
Robotics Club
Run-All-Winter Club
Schola Club
Ski Club
St. Joseph the Worker Club
Table Tennis Club

Faith & Spirituality
The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life." For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch. CCC 1324 For this reason, every school day begins with Mass.
The faith is the central reality from which all academic disciplines flow and derive their meaning. Faith is at the core of our academic program. All subjects we teach through lens of the Church. This makes our school unique. Religion at CA is not merely one academic subject among many.
Students pray the Morning Offering and the Angelus. Retreats are held at Holy Hill and Our Lady of Champion.
Each person has a unique and unrepeatable gift. Students are prepared for life which means finding their vocation and discerning their calling for their lives.
To use the skills they acquire at CA in faith, hope, and charity to build the Kingdom of God in this life and be with Him in everlasting happiness in the next.

Each year Chesterton Academy seniors have the incredible opportunity to pilgrimage to Italy with the Chesterton Schools Network. The 2025 pilgrimage is particularly special as the group will walk with countless other Catholic pilgrims through the Holy Doors of the Papal Basilicas of Rome, obtaining the Jubilee promise of a plenary indulgence, joyfully confident in Christ’s words to Peter “…whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.”
Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee students receive opportunities throughout the year to join a march for life and give voice to the voiceless by unapologetically celebrating every human life with joy!
House System
Chesterton Academy’s House system is drawn from the 1,000 year-old tradition of Christian education exemplified in the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. The Houses provide real, tangible community within the larger school, giving students the opportunity to take ownership, fulfill the call to leadership, and to cultivate the ideal conditions for virtue. Each House has a senior and junior prefect and a faculty advisor.