Faculty & Staff
Dr. Eric DeMeuse, Headmaster
Mrs. Debbie Branecky, Academic Dean and College Advisor
Mrs. Abigail Hagerman, Manager of Admissions
Mr. Robin Roxas, Student Athletics & Activities Manager
Ms. Anna Jace, Director of Development and Marketing
Mrs. Nanette Lavine, Office Receptionist
Mr. Ryan Grusenski, Humanities
Mr. Paul Guenzel, Humanities
Mr. Hayden Hagerman, Humanities
Captain John Kolbeck, Math
Ms. Erica Nelson, Science
Ms. Therese Scanlan, Drama and Literature
Mr. Cal Schroder, Humanities
Ms. Hannah Braun, Math
Ms. Sarah McQuade, Math
Ms. Katie Summa, Humanities
Mr. Goeff Butz, Art
Mrs. Samantha Marugg, Literature
Mrs. Martha Ebent, Music
Mr. Peter Burleigh
Father Don Brick, OCD, Chaplain
Mr. Martin Volk, Science
Mrs. Joanna Maurer, Dance
Ms. Angie Flanagan, Student Support